Ben nodded as Titus described the concert last night, “I’m glad that Krystal suggested we go. I’ve wanted to hear this band for more than a year. It’s easier when the person you’re with likes the same things you do.” “Oh,” said Ben, “I didn’t know that you and Krystal were spending much time together.”

“I’ve been seeing her for about three weeks,” replied Titus. “It’s easy with Krystal. We like the same things. She asks what I think and treats me like I’m important. It’s nice to be with someone who isn’t mean and hurts you . . . like Shaley.” Titus and Shaley had dated for about two years. Everyone thought it was serious, until about three months ago. The breakup was messy, with mutual friends picking sides. “I think I may have found someone who’s good for me,” said Titus. “Oh, Krystal mentioned that she knows you."

“Yeah . . . well, my cousin dated her a couple of years ago,” replied Ben. That was not all Ben knew about Krystal. He knew why his cousin, Carl, broke up with Krystal. Carl said that at first being with Krystal was great, because she made him feel important. Then she began to monopolize all his time. It started with asking, then demanding. Titus interrupted Ben’s thoughts, “Was it your cousin Carl? You two are close. So, what did he tell you about her?”