When the attitude of exaltation of goodness is embodied in literary creation then it becomes a kind of idealism and individual strength. The pursuit of a beautiful ideal and holding fast to a lofty personal character are the most valuable traits of Chinese literature. All the works of the first great figure in Chinese literary history, Qu Yuan, are imbued with idealism and spiritual and personal beauty. Qu Yuan had two principles: One was not seeking, and the other was awake to this world's ways. Another aspect of the fineness of Qu Yuan's character was his spirit of exploration both of the high and the low. Pu Songling, in his Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio, describes with the greatest fervor a batch of kind-hearted people who dare to combat the forces of evil and take the initiative in helping others to overcome difficulties. In addition, untrammelled by feudal morality, they engage freely in love and marriage.