This chapter presents the early memories of the author. The author's father had opened a small office in Bush House in Aldwych, at the end of Kingsway, even earlier; and also decided to keep a car in London, a dark blue Buick colour. Things would seem to be getting along comfortably in the appropriate ministry/commissariat, but when the author's father would turn up to continue talks with his opposite number the following day, he would be told that no such person had ever worked in the building. Another anecdote the author's father told on his return stuck in the author's mind – his encounter with a remote relative, who was a professor of economics at Moscow University. There was a different emergency in Warsaw. The Germans rounded up all those Jews in Germany who still held Polish passports – either as 'economic' emigrants, or because they had landed on the wrong side of the border during the 1918–1920 exchanges.