This chapter reiterates both the utility of Norm-Centered Stigma Theory (NCST) in understanding stigma more generally as well as the centrality of hetero-cis-normativity in explaining LGBTQ negativity and negative stigmatizing experiences more specifically. In addition, the importance of axes of social power in these relationships is reinforced. Policy implications, additional considerations, and future research are provided. Finally, the goals of this text (as outlined in Chapter 1) are revisited: (1) to introduce a theory about stigma that is testable and grounded in previous research (NCST); (2) to highlight the significance of hetero-cis-normativity and intersectionality in understanding LGBTQ stigmatization (stigmatizer lens) and the stigmatizing experiences of LGBTQ people (stigmatized lens); and (3) to continue to stress the importance of separate but interconnected discussions about lesbian women, gay men, bisexual women, bisexual men, trans women, trans men, non-binary/genderqueer people, queer women, and queer men to uncover both similarities and differences across their experiences.