In April the Congress of People's Deputies rejected the 1992 privatization program that had been worked out under Chubais's direction and which followed, for the most part, the main points elaborated in Boris Yeltsin's decree the preceding December. By April 1992, the Congress, along with a substantial proportion of the population, was beginning to question the path they were traveling at the behest of the republic's president. Overall, the Congress's mood in April 1992 seems to have been more skeptical than intentionally obstructionist. By 1992, life had not improved, and the idea of continuing to sacrifice for the purpose of building socialism had lost most of its appeal. Another change from Yeltsin's December 1991 plan which did give workers additional privileges, however, was a provision that allowed enterprise employees to become majority stockholders of enterprises being transformed into joint-stock companies. On December 8, Izvestiia published an interview with Dmitrii Vasilev, a vice chairman of the State Property Management Committee.