This chapter considers where the future might lie for Shakespeare language studies. A number of specialists were approached to give their views on possible future developments, and these are reported in the chapter. Several of the specialists agree that an increasing number of old texts will become available for analysis, and this will help clarify the context of Shakespeare’s lexical contribution. It will also doubtless lead to a decrease in the extent of his attributed neologisms, as earlier uses of words come to light. Resources for analysing lexical development, such as those developed by ‘Early Modern Print’ are considered. The ‘Shakespeare’s World’ project (part of Zooniverse) is also discussed, as a likely major contributor to historical textual studies. As regards pronunciation, it seems likely that OP will continue to flourish, perhaps with theatrical productions of dramas other than by Shakespeare. Attention is also given to speech act and stylistic concerns. It seems likely that the contribution from theatrical practitioners will increasingly contribute to these areas, as will developments in cognitive stylists.