The telepathic dreams are mysterious in their way, but the fact of wireless communication or radio has made it easier to accept this other fact of telepathy. And perhaps the newest miracle of television will make it less difficult to believe in telepathy's twin sister, clairvoyance. In telepathy, thoughts and emotions going on in one mind are conveyed to another mind far away. In clairvoyance scenes and events taking place are visualized, as if one were actually present. In both telepathy and and clairvoyance there is no normal means of communication through the senses. But clairvoyance sometimes happens in sleep, also spontaneously and unexpectedly, in the form of a dream. The clairvoyant dream which reveals trivial facts that occur at a distance is apparently far more common than one would think. It is true that, as a whole, the world of science is still skeptical about telepathy and clairvoyance.