This chapter explores the groundwork for precautionary climate policy by defending a precautionary approach to threats of catastrophes comprising a Catastrophic Precautionary Principle and Catastrophic Precautionary Decision-Making Framework. It discusses that the Catastrophic Precautionary Principle has to be carefully formulated to avoid the many criticisms that have been leveraged against versions of "the" precautionary principle. The Catastrophic Precautionary Decision-Making Framework, on the other hand, can only suggest the key considerations that must be brought to bear in the decision-making process when we face threats of catastrophe. The Catastrophic Precautionary Principle sets clear limits on the nature of our precautionary obligations against threats of catastrophe, but it also leaves much to be decided on a case-by-case basis. Catastrophic Precautionary Principle hence calls for a very aggressive suite of precautionary measures because of the scope, scale, and imminence of the threats of climate catastrophes.