A horrible calamity had occurred. Manike has had a complete nervous breakdown. George, who loves her beyond anything and is a deeply emotional man is in anguish. He has come to stay with me in the Taj Mahal Hotel and sleeps in my room. We know all Manike’s troubles, her unusual sensibility, her separation from Ceylon, her inability to speak English, the way George has neglected and insulted [her]. These alone and my own hatred of Bombay were enough to give her a breakdown. Besides which she was treated for an intestinal complaint . . . with Mepecrine, which produces an unstable condition in a small proportion of users. She had 15 tablets. It is probable that Mepecrine precipitated the general collapse. George and I are also under great strain so it is a difficult time. I have no desire so great as that of leaving Bombay and I certainly shall not be able for a considerable time.1