This chapter deals with many criteria that a teacher or exercise science professional must consider in making certain that data collected from testing instruments is accurate within acceptable limits of measurement error. Because of the many types of tests available, the activity professional must understand the concepts of validity, reliability, and objectivity and apply this knowledge in the selection and administration of tests. Once it is determined that results from a test are valid and reliable, careful planning of the test administration is necessary to maintain objectivity to ensure the accuracy of the results. No matter how good a test is, it will yield scores of little value if it is not administered properly. A number of steps important to test administration are presented as suggestions for good planning. It should be emphasized that there is no substitute for common sense in selecting and properly administering a test. It is hoped that the information in this chapter, coupled with a healthy dose of common sense, will simplify the task of test selection and administration and ensure scores that reflect the true abilities and/or attributes of the persons tested.