The 12th of November, in a bloody combat near Tsarskoe Selo, the revolutionary arm defeated the counter-revolutionary troops of Kerensky and Kornilov. From the top of the Kremlin wall gigantic banners unrolled to the ground; red, with great letters in gold and white, saying, 'Martyrs of the Beginning of World Social Revolution', and 'Long Live the Brotherhood of Workers of the World'. The Bolsheviks gained a majority in the cities, but the Socialist Revolutionaries won the upper hand in the rest of the country and had an overall majority. The Bolsheviks later laid the blame for all killings of the day upon provocators as the most convenient of counter-revolutionary ogres, although they admitted there was shooting where the vans of parades were dispersed. The Right Social Revolutionaries nominated Chernov, their leader. In memorable lines a Left Socialist Revolutionary writer depicted the spirit of the days.