This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book attempts to examine the place antisemitism occupies within Turkish history and society, especially since the rise of the AK Party. Concurrently, it attempts to elucidate and analyze the various actors, factors, and changes that the term and the phenomena of 'antisemitism' have gone through. The book presents the Turkish regime's relations, attitude, and approach toward the Turkish-Jewish community in Turkey. Antisemitism in Turkey is of a discrete nature and it is expressed without a steady recurrence, being unsystematic, irregular, and not widespread. Turkish intellectuals tend to view antisemitism as a problem that Turkey does not suffer from, and which preoccupies only Turkish Jews. Subsequently, these Turkish Jews do not research in this area, preferring instead to repeat the pat phrases of their respective ideological positions. For instance, Davut Sahin says: "The discourse of Zionism is not allowed in Turkey.