When I was a little girl, my parents Joan and Harold (affectionately called Joaney and Pop by me) bought me a nurses outfit for Christmas, and I loved bandaging the dog and giving ‘Dolly Mixture’ sweets as tablets to my brother Steve. I decided that I wanted to be a nurse from the first time I put on the white cap, apron and cuffs with their bright red crosses. I had a very happy child hood, living in a small village next to the primary school I attended. In fact I couldn’t wait until I was old enough to go and used to sneak through our back garden into the classes with Judy our dog. Joaney had to come and find me in whichever classroom I fancied that particular day. None of the teachers minded though and didn’t want to curb my enthusiasm for learning. I couldn’t understand why other children were crying on my first official day there, as I was so happy!