This (fourth) chapter of the book presents aspects of the context of people with SMI and their relation to PCC. As every person is influenced to some extent by his or her past, present and expected future circumstances or context, it is imperative to address such context as relevant in relation to PCC for persons with SMI. Context is also addressed in other chapters of the book, such as in Chapter 5, The Person/PatientProvider/Clinician Relationship, where providers and their relationships and clinical communication with service users are addressed (and can be viewed as part of the health care context of the person with SMI); in Chapter 6, Management and Finding Common Ground, where the ethnic features of service users are addressed (and can be viewed as part of the biological and social context of the person with SMI); and in Chapter 7, Prevention and Health Promotion, where peer relationships and support are addressed (and can be viewed as part of the social context of the person with SMI).