Another comparison which should be made is that between the present Report and that brought out last year. But this is unusually difficult, for very different subjects are dealt with, especially in the part of the Report contributed by the Lady Inspectors. Last years's volume contained an .interesting .and striking special report by them on· Institution Laundries. This year these are only· alluded to; in their brief mention, however, some of the points dwelt on last year are enforced, chiefly the ignorance of the management of machinery by the heads of some of the institu-

tions, and the consequent danger to those employed. In the matter of hours, however, it appears from Miss Tracey's report (p. 186) that in the insti~utions she bas visited there is little cause of complamt, though she emphasises the suggestion made last year that greater variety of work and a more natural atmosphere, rniaht benefit the unfortunate inmates.