Wbat was it intended to do? What has it done? . The best answer to the first question may be found In the words of Madame Maria Martin in the :aumber of the ,T ournal des Femmes issued before the Congress: " Cette assemblee," she writes, "ne pourra pas . . . . edicter des lois et les faire executer, mais elle contribuera largement a former l'opinion publique qui exerce son influence, pour le bien ou pour le mal, sur l'esprit des legislateurs." And she continues: "de chaque pays les femmes viendront en assez grand nombre pour assurer, aux deliberations ~u Congres, une haute portEle et une autorite incontestables." She points out with true prevision the two subjects which, in

her opinion, would attract the greatest attention, "ces deux questions vitales" -the best means of obtaining political rights, and liberty for women's work.