For the first time a number of well-known women spoke last winter at the public meetings on the Women Question. Frau Marie Stritt of Dresden spoke in a humorous way on the studies of men, Frau Professor Lily von Gizycki read a serious paper on the duties of women, and so on. Both ladies had much success with the large audience, and it is a characteristic proof how the times have changed, that there were not only women but also men of all classes present who a.lso did

. not spare with cheers. Not long ago such a speech in a German public assembly would have been an impossibility-would have been cried down. Nevertheless, the German universities have not yet officially a.dmitted women; each case of admission is due to the amiability of the professor of the respective facUlty, being a mere private act pf his own; the passing of an examination is excluded in every case: However, we hope that this will soon be altered, at least as regards medical studies.