Turning to the Convention of the New York Federation we see that in that State many things have been effected by the Women's Clubs, which in this country faU to our local government bodies; thus it was the Women's Club on Staten Island who had the water supply analysed, and cards of warning hung on houses where there was infectious disease. In another instance the Women's Club had trees planted, and side walks repaired, fifty-one waggon 10ILds of rubbish removed, and waste-paper boxes placed at street corners. . The last quotation we propose to make from these l~teresting reports is full of pathos, telling of the lonely

l~ves of many fat:mers' wives. The Minnesota Feders.- tlO~ Report says :-" The club is a protest against SOCIal dangers. It is a protest against an entire lack of social life. Many care-burdened women seldom l~ave home to get from without it a broader, saner Vlew of life. Much dwelling on the same theme, even so sacred a theme as home duty, brings morbidness,

irritability, unsoundness of view and OpInIOn. Our insane hospital statistics show that the largest proportion of insane women comes from farmers' homes. The depression of constant work without diversion becomes too great, and the reason gives way. . The Club in country and city is a prote'st against this evil and an opportunity to remedy It."