THE ancient custom of holding high festival on Mayday, of which many relics linger in the remoter parts of the country and even in London. itself, where, however, it is chiefly noticeable by the decking of waggonhorses and the presence of '' Jacks-in-the-Green " has been recently revived in a graceful and poetical form· by Mr. Ruskin, with what promises to be signal success. His :first effort was in a country village, where it was 110t taken up with any amount of enthusiasm, but when. he suggested it ten years ago at Whitelands College, the more cultivated intelligences there were struck with the poetry of the idea, and the crowning of the May Queen has grown into an annuaL Cflremony of the prettiest and most idyllic kind. It has not stoppe~ at Whitelands, for we learn that a similar festival is also held at the High School and Kindergarten at.Cork, andthat the May Queen at Whitelands sent a congratulatory telegram to her sister the Rose Queen at Cork.