What if the world were not as you thought? Lee Mun Wah, Th e Color of Fear

Th e Color of Fear is an award-winning documentary about eight North American men engaged in an interracial dialogue. One white participant, David, is having a particularly diffi cult time accepting the testimony of many of the men of color who have bared their souls in front of him, recounting their harsh experiences living in American culture. Th e facilitator and director of the fi lm, Lee Mun Wah, asks David:

What’s keeping you from believing that that’s happening to Victor [an African American participant]? Just believing. Not to know why that’s happening to him? What would it mean, David, if his life was that harsh? What would it mean in your life? What if the world were not as you thought? Th at it actually is happening to lots of human beings on this earth? What if it actually were and you didn’t know it? What would that mean to you?