Dr. BROADBENr moved " That the i=:lcome derived from the sum now raised in memory of the late Helen Prideaux be given as a prize every seconil or third yeat to a woman who has already completed the ordinary course of medical education, to help her on a further stage, ancl that it should be called the Helen Prideaux· prize." Prof. Schafer seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. On the motion of Dr. King Chambere,seconded by Mr. William Rose, it was resolved that the Dowager Lady Stanley of Alderley, Mr. Stanley .Boyd, and Mrs. Garrett Anderson should be trustees of the fund, and should have the absolute power of awarding the prize. ·

A conference of an interesting character was held on February 12th in the library of the .Merchant V enturer's Schools, by the kind courtesy of Mr. Coomber~