J;~ine short of 1,000 were examined. The Divinity. Prize was awarded to Miss Crook, Cambridge, and theLowman Memorial Prize to Miss Purdie, Notting Hill;. 98 passed in the Divinity group, 218 in English language and literature, 276 in foreign languages, 105 in arithmetic group, 4 7 in political economy group, 42 in p~ysical science group, 27 in music group, and .162 in history group. ·

WOMEN IN PUBLIC LIFE. BmMINGHA.M.-If an election had taken place it was-

expected that the ladies on both sides would take a prominent part. Both Liberals and Conservatives acknowledge the important share played by the Primrose .League organisation in turning the scale of victory in Mr. Mathew's favour at the last election. and in order to counteract this influence a numerous and influential committee of Liberal ladies, including Lady Foster, thewife of the new medical knight, was formed.