The Lette Verein at Berlin, for the promotion of higher industry and education among women, has lately published a report of its progress and of the many institutions it has been the means of founding, institutions which every year prove of increasing benefit to poor women. The, object for which the Union was founded 306by Dr. Adolph Lette in 1866, was—1. To remove the obstacles and prejudices in the way of industrial pursuits among women. 2. To found schools where they might be trained in trades or handicrafts. 3. To procure apprenticeships, &c., by means of a Registiy Office founded by the Union. 4. To provide suitable localities for the exhibition and sale of needlework, embroidery, &c. And 5. To provide self-dependent working women with respectable boarding houses and lodgings, to organise a bank for loans, and provide funds for supplying them with sewing-machines.