We have the pleasure to announce the establishment of a Women's Suffrage Society in Victoria. On May 7th, a numerously attended meeting of ladies was held at Ajmere, South Yarra, to inaugurate a suffrage society, intended to advocate the extension of voting power to women. The chair was taken by Mrs. H. A. Dugdale. The purposes of the meeting having been declared, it was determined, on the motion of Mrs. M'Kay, seconded by Miss Simmons, that the association should be called "The Victorian Women's Suffrage Society." Mrs. Lowe proposed, Mrs. Ricketts seconded, and it was resolved, that all the ladies and gentlemen present should be included in a general committee, with power to add to their number. The executive committee was appointed, on the motion of Mrs. Stevenson, seconded by Mrs Webster, as follows:—Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Dugdale, Mrs. M'Kay, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Ricketts, Miss Simmons, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Brunton. It was resolved unanimously that Mrs. Rennick be requested to act as secretary and treasurer. A committee was then appointed to draw up a constitution and bye-laws for the society, consisting of Mrs. Rennick, Mrs. Dugdale, and Mr. Jones. The membership subscription for ladies or gentlemen was fixed at 5s. per year, it being understood that donations would also be invited. Nearly all those who were present became members, and paid their subscriptions, besides which several donations were handed in, and many letters which were read to the meeting expressed sympathy with the movement, while regretting the inability of the writers to attend. Public meetings are to be called shortly to invite general co-operation for the objects of the society.