On 23rd of Deeember, bythe invitation of the Belfast Ladies' Institute, a large and representutive gathering of the principaIs of ladies' schools in Ulster met at 1uncheon in the Lombard Hall, Belfast. Immediately afterwards a conferenee was held, at which many points 'of great importance in the working of the examinations of the Intermediate Education Board were discussed. The ehair was occupied by Mrs. Ewart, wife of the senior member for Belfast, and among the speakers were Miss Tod, on behalf of the Ladies' Institute, Mcs. Byers (Belfast), Mrs. Woulfe (Armagh), Miss M'KilIip (Derry), and many other ladies. A strong memorial to the Intermediate Education Board was adopted, asking that no change as l'egards girls should be marle in the SUbj6ctS, marks, places, or rewards of their examiuations. An Association of Head Schoolmistresses was then formed, which, it is hoped, will prove of mueh value.