In tbe Boil.rdroom of the Tewkesbury Union Workhouse, on July 16th, Mr. F. Wo. Longe, the Poor Law Inspector, at the instance of the Local Government Board, upon the petition of Mr. H. ArkelI, of Boddington, held a Governmental inquiry into tbe election of Mrs. J. H. M'Ilqubam, of Staverton House, as a Guardian for the parish of Boddington. At tbe election which took place in April last, Mrs. l\l'Ilqubam received 48 votes, aB against 27 given to ber opponent, Mr. ArkelI, wbo now claimed tbe seato Immediately after the election, Mr. Arkell communicated with the Local Government Board, alleging informalities in connection witb the e1ection, and that authority, having taken time to consider the matter, instructed their Inspector to hold the inqniry. Thera were in a11 six grounds of complaint, viz.:-1. Tbat Mr. J. H. M'Ilquham, who nominated bis wife, was not properly quaJified to do so, he not being upon tbe rate book, aB a ratepayer, owner, or occupier of any property inthe parisb,ll8 required bythe statute. 2. That Henry ArkelI, of Buckle's Court, though entitled to "ix votes, bad no voting papers left at bis house during the election. 3. and 4. That William Fowler, Iate (lf Boddington Manor, and Thomas Ballinger, of Boddington, were not permitted to use the franchise. 5. That Mr. M'Ilqubam, who Toted, was Dot legally entitled to d:> so. 6. That Mrs. M'ilquham was not quaJified to act as a Guardian by ber disability as a married woman, and also by the fact that ahe did not reside in the Union. The sixth point was taken first.