Psychological research has found that there are two types of sexist ideologies; one, benevolent sexism, is rooted in the belief that the gender differences are complementary and that women should be protected and taken care of; the other, hostile sexism, is rooted in the belief that women are inferior to men. Quite often, stereotypes go unnoticed by both men and women as they are so deeply rooted within a culture. Other times, even when aware of these stereotypes, some women might choose to behave according to the stereotype in order to avoid dealing with strong attitudinal obstructions while at work. It is certainly a strain to balance one's personal and professional responsibilities. The "glass ceiling" refers to barriers to reaching the upper echelons of organizations. These barriers to the advancement of women and minorities are often very subtle. Although women have achieved significant advances, much remains to be done for women to be considered as qualified and talented as men.