Edwin H. Sutherland died somewhat prematurely at the midpoint of the twentieth century, but his legacy remained strong in the decades that followed; far more so than that of many of his prominent criminological contemporaries. This chapter attempts to document both the core influence of Sutherland on some highly prominent criminologists, as well as a long-standing body of criticism of his theoretical approach, by some other equally prominent criminologists. In the wake of Sutherland's pioneering work on white-collar crime, no criminologist promoted the criminology of white-collar crime more energetically and over a longer period of time than Gilbert Geis. Ronald Akers is the single criminologist who has most persistently carried forward the legacy of Sutherland's theory of differential association. Sutherland has also had his critics—as is true of any major thinker, in any field—both during his lifetime, and in the decades since his death.