Mrs Annie Besant traced back her life-stream to the fourth globe of the first round of the first chain of our scheme of evolution. Her life then animated the mineral world, rising to the vegetable world in the second chain. Mrs Besant was first born into human form on the fourth globe of the sixth round of the Moon chain. Mrs Besant appears first to have incarnated on earth about 600,000 b.c., when she formed one of a ship-load of egos brought to the earth at that time from the Nirvana in which individualized egos spend their time between each chain-period. She was born into the family of Surya and Mercury, in the Tlavatli sub-race. Mrs Besant had reached the third, Iranian, sub-race. She was then “a strong good-looking young man, arriving at the City of the Bridge in a caravan from Mesopotamia, his birthplace; he was dolichocephalous, an Akkadian of pure blood.