The term postmodernism suggests something coming after modernism, which was the philosophical and aesthetic cultural dominant. The impact of postmodernism was reflected in architecture, the arts, philosophy and other aspects of everyday life. Postmodern societies have been characterized as more focused on simulacra than the real thing, and as being dominated by consumer cultures. The impact of postmodernism was reflected in architecture, the arts, philosophy and other aspects of everyday life. One prominent postmodern critic argues that postmodernism is just another name for an evolved form of capitalism. Fredric Jameson claims that each stage of capitalism has a corresponding cultural style. Hence, realism, modernism, and postmodernism are the cultural levels of market capitalism, monopoly capitalism, and multinational capitalism. America is the well-developed postmodern society. The ingredients of the postmodern self are given in three key cultural identities, those derived from the performances that define gender, social class, race and ethnicity.