This chapter discusses the story of taking Penny's autoethnographic performance to the community of Community Action Stops Abuse (CASA). In 2002, Elizabeth and Deb designed and published a booklet of stories they wrote about CASA. These were given to CASA to distribute among clients, workers, donors, and other social service agencies. Between 2000 and 2005, several graduate students and Carolyn Ellis worked collaboratively with CASA, a domestic abuse shelter. This story is part of The Ethnographic I, which she published in 2004 as a methodological novel about doing autoethnography. Written in third person, this story differs from other stories of mine in that here she makes herself an omniscient narrator. The different perspectives she offer come from transcripts of the researchers' discussions of what happened and transcripts of conversations the advocates at CASA had about the performance with graduate student researchers. She also includes the written responses of the director of CASA to several versions of her story.