American culture encourages its children to pursue careers demanding skills in math, science, and information processing. In contemporary North America, math, science, and the computer have become strategic resources in a competitive, achievement-oriented, high-tech, information-manipulative society. The national newspaper USA Today provides excellent illustration of the statistical aspect of contemporary American culture. Another manifestation of the information processing, statistical society is the increasing popularity of brain games. Along with game shows and award shows, sports provide daily examples of individual and team accomplishments, self-definition through activity and achievement, and, presumably, payoffs from hard work. Near Hollywood, the dream capital of an achievement-oriented society, a succession of American athletes climbed the victors' stand in summer 1984, displaying their medals. All these are fundamental in an achievement- and work-oriented society, and they are much less characteristic of Brazil. The Olympic Games also provide excellent case study material for the understanding of cultural contrasts as applied to sports and the values they express.