In late 1960s, North American archaeologists inspired by theoretical and methodological principles of processualist archaeology began to conduct projects in Peru. Luis Lumbreras and the Marxism paradigm were dominant in Lima, but outside the capital its impact was minor to nonexistent because Peru's provincial cities did not have solid archaeology training programs. It is important to note that at this time, many North American archaeological projects were funded with US or Canadian government grants, though there was no known direct link between the funding and political action in countries like Peru. Processualism in Peru was based in large part on the work of Gordon Willey. Processual archaeology likewise was supported by eminent Peruvian archaeologists such as Ramiro Matos, who was funded by the Smithsonian Institution beginning in the 1960s. Here, Matos met North American archaeologists working in Mexico, such as Jeffrey Parsons. Matos later worked in the central sierra of Peru with Kent Flannery, Jeffrey Parsons, Terence Daltroy, and others.