This chapter describes the way participatory videomaking is increasingly making strides in the social sciences, as a method of research, intervention, and advocacy. The participatory or collaborative nature of video- and filmmaking projects spans a range of participation. The chapter presents case studies that provide examples along this spectrum, with participation ranging along a continuum from process to product to dissemination and audiencing. Sarah Elder and Leonard Kamerling's work exemplifies a participatory videomaking project that has grappled with, and seems to have come to terms with, notions of "multiple authorship" and "collaboration". Charles Menzies' work offers up an in-depth discussion of ethical protocols when conducting community-based research. In Peter Biella's story, the process and outcomes afford multiple opportunities to diverse audiences: community members and researchers alike. Biella writes of the importance of "collaborative visual anthropology", also known as "indigenous media", for the development of participatory videomaking.