A woman becomes Mistress when her utility to the man shifts from soul to spirit to body. Some of the women we have met thus far did not evolve from Maiden Lover or Muse to Mistress. Since she is now a professor in the same department where she began as a graduate student, Amy is a bit unusual. In fact, her long career there is almost a textbook case of a woman who attempted to dodge Galatea's roles and refuse sexual involvement, but was pushed and shoved anyway into playing Maiden Lover, not realizing the men would treat her more as Mistress as she got older. There is a double-bind inherent in the Pygmalion-Mistress relationship. The author was struck by how few women who reach the Mistress stage come away unscathed, not only in terms of the men's retaliation but also in the way they think about themselves. The orgiastic aspect of the Muse descended into violence.