The several toponyms have been recognized as belonging to the Eblaite chora. All these cities, towns, and villages are documented by a conspicuous number of texts from different archives. Among the cities that were surely part of the Eblaite chora there are those where the Eblaite kings had secondary palaces. It is difficult to determine the real extension of the Eblaite kingdom and of the Eblaite chora during the few years covered by the archives. After a victorious military campaign against a bordering kingdom, the enemy territory could have been assimilated into a new enlarged state. Most of the Eblaite texts are administrative documents recording outgoing and, to a lesser extent, incoming goods especially textiles, metals, and metal objects. The records refer to deliveries of goods made to individuals of towns and cities of the Eblaite kingdom or of other kingdoms; this is why there are so many toponyms in the Ebla texts.