Black baby-boomer sociologists and other young sociologists began to critique dominant theoretical and methodological paradigms and offered their own insightful epistemological, theoretical, and methodological perspectives. These scholars included Elijah Anderson in urban sociology, Larry Bobo in social psychology, Aldon Morris in social movements, Patricia Hill Collins and Karen Fields in gender studies, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva in critical race theory, and Tukufu Zuberi in demographics. The societal focus on race-making and transformation should encourage us to introduce new epistemologies, theories, and methodologies, some derived from long-standing paradigms from other social sciences and from humanities such as psychohistory, cross-national autobiographical and biographical analyses, theology, discourse analysis, visual anthropology, experimental methods, and psychoanalysis. Four major changes in logic of inquiry discussions in sociology since Race and Ethnicity in Research Methods was published, have been the growing respect for autobiographical and biographical analysis, methodological triangulation as mixed methods, sexual orientation sensitivity, and transnationality.