Postcolonial, Third World Feminism, Indigenous theories give us trying to expand the possibilities of life. In between such desires are multiple and shifting identities and hybridities which much more nuances positions about what constitutes native identities, native communities, and native knowledge in anti/postcolonial times. Smith's work that is being done in Brazil by natives and non-natives to empower the ones who have survived the massacre and are officially recognized and also identified with the indigenous population in Brazil. There are beautiful and powerful works being done in Brazil, such as those of Gersem Luciano Baniwa tribe the first Native Brazilian to get a Masters degree in anthropology at the Universidade Federal de Brasilia. In Anzalda's notion of a different kind of nationalism, her 'Invented Roots' and 'New Tribalism'. As Chandra Talpade Mohanty suggests in her reading of Minnie Bruce Pratt's autobiographical narrative 'Identity: Skin Blood Heart': the tension between the desire for home, and the realization of the repressions.