This chapter explains a Mayan student lyaxel Cojti Ren's life and family and his experiences in studying archaeology, and discusses the nature of archaeology in Guatemala today. In Guatemala, archaeology continues to be perceived by society with some exceptions as a field without great importance or utility. When lyaxel entered high school, he learned there was a career called 'archaeology', which specialized in studying the material culture of ancient civilizations. He believes that both prehispanic cultural heritage and contemporary cultural expressions of Indigenous peoples are at risk of abandonment or destruction in Guatemala due to the dominant culture's influence in this country. The role of archaeology is educating the population to value and enhance the strengths of Indigenous cultures by challenging stereotypes that degrade Indigenous peoples and that disconnect them from their past. A variety of efforts are underway by different segments of indigenous population to protect, study, and share the knowledge of Mayan culture, sacred sites, and ancient cities.