Little can at present be said in respect of later settlements in Baluchistan, particularly those of the second and first millennia BC for which only the culture identified at Pirak on the Kachhi plain has firm chronological significance extending from c.1800800 BC. During the 1948 survey a distinctive type of pottery was collected at Londo-damb, Baghwana, and from several mounds in the Surab area. Stein's exploration showed that the war could be recognised on some thirty-six sites concentrated largely along the Kej valley and in central Jhalawan. That pattern of distribution has been modified by subsequent fieldwork and to the twenty London' sites indicated by triple dashes should be added eight new locations, six in Mungachar and two near Rodinjo which extend the spread of the ware through Sarawan. A single sherd of buff London-ware' was collected at Sampur-damb in northern Sarawan but could not be related to the various decorated wares found during excavation.