The sites in the Gazetteer are listed in roughly geographical order and numbered from north to south on the location map. It will be noted that both in the Gazetteer and in the Catalogue of the Pottery the Harvard system of bibliographical reference has been abandoned in the case of repeatedly quoted works in the interests of brevity and clarity. In 1948 the only details of sites and ceramics in Sarawan and Jhalawan were those published by Sir Aurel Stein and Hargreaves, and Piggott had drawn attention to a new ware in the Quetta region in a paper which sparked off the initial survey. Contoured one-inch maps could be used for most of Sarawan but elsewhere it was necessary to rely on quarter-inch maps which inevitably give less accurate locations; Suryey of Pakistan maps provided a basis for survey along the Mula river and the Kachhi plain.