This chapter provides a further refection on this period by exploring the impact of anti-racist movements and drawing conclusions on how racism transpired as the decade progressed in the wake of the Stephen Lawrence murder in 1993. Considerations throughout the chapter will also consider discourses that emerged during the time, particularly around cultural integration and inevitable rejection of racial equality by the far-right in Britain at the time. The chapter attempts to summarise the 1990s and all the racial tensions that were subsumed within the phenomenon of Cool Britannia. Final considerations unpack the complexities of racism throughout the decade, from celebrating the marginal gains of the Macpherson Report to exploring the resurgence of the far-right. The final offerings proffered in this chapter provide the closing verse to the continuous racism that reverberated within Britain, and the lack of recognition by the state in attempting to alleviate the burden of social and racial inequality for ethnic minorities at the time despite the recommendations provided by Macpherson.