Allan Schore argues that the interpersonal neurobiological perspective of regulation theory calls for a paradigm shift in models of therapeutic action, beyond the patient’s insight of remembering and verbalizing trauma in order to heal and recover from it. Schore’s research serves as an evidenced-based source of affect regulation psychotherapy – an intersubjective emotionally-focused model of clinical intervention which requires not only mastery of various scientific literatures but also self-knowledge and interpersonal skill. The field of social work was traditionally focused on two core issues: person-in-environment and relationships. When parents of an infant separate and are involved in a divorce dispute, family law has to adequately address who is the primary caregiver. The stress regulating circuits of the male brain mature more slowly than those of the female in the prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal critical periods, and this differential structural maturation is reflected in normal gender differences in right brain attachment functions.