RS Was Lawrence active in the strike? IP Oh yes. RS What did he do? IP Lawrence was at one of the flyers at the strike. Lawrence's main job was picketing. Picketing every pit that needed it. He was at Orgreave, Thorsby, Bevercotes, oh I can't remember them all there's so many. Kiveton, Brookhouse (Lawrence's own pit), Fircroft, I could name more easily the pits he didn't go to, than the pits that he did. RS That was from Day One of the strike? IP Yes. Day One. RS How old is he? IP He's 28. Now the thing was that men with wives and families didn't go on the front lines. It was usually single lads that went on the front. But Lawrence took the spirit. He was an NUM member and he behaved as a trade unionist. He was solid. And he picketed whenever and wherever he was needed.