Galatians 6 contains an appendix in which Paul recommends practical implementation of the exhortations of 5.13-26. Paul is nearing a spiritual climax, perhaps a state of emotional exhaustion, which contrasts with his initial abrupt burst of anger and enthusiasm. The Apostle fervently restates his case against the agitators and insists on the obsolescence of a key Jewish ritual and of the salvific value of the whole law it epitomised. The cross emerges as the instrument of the new creation in Christ, including a new people, the eschatological Israel of God. Christians and Muslims can concur that humanly delivered justice is often only distributive and sometimes only retributive. Paul wants Christ's followers to help each other; Christian service to others includes mutual bearing of burdens. Muslims would concur with this charitable stance and, along with key Christian leaders such as Pope Francis, extend it to the sharing of financial burdens.