Evaluation has multiple ramifications for higher-education contributions to transnational sustainable development (TSD). If universities around the world are to contribute in ways that matter to the 2030 Agenda, it is incumbent upon them to move forward with enhanced evaluations of their curricula, research, and outreach initiatives. Systematic and informed curricular, research, and outreach evaluations enable participants in sustainable-development initiatives to distinguish outcomes and impacts from mere outputs. In Universities and the Sustainable Development Future, the chapter approaches evaluation through a comprehensive approach that recognizes the importance of teaching, research, outreach, and transnational partnering. At outcome- and impact-concerned universities, sustainable-development-evaluation initiatives will involve key stakeholders from the beginning of the evaluation process. Moving meaningful evaluation processes forward offers an available pathway for increased influence. Moving forward with university evaluations will not come easily. Impact evaluations remain particularly challenging. Internal sustainable-development evaluations will not be transformed unless faculty commit to the comprehensive process.