Total Prep Time: 4 hours Lettuce: Prep: 1 hour Painting: 30 minutes Drying time: 30 minutes (depending on weather, or use of hair dryer) Meat: 10 minutes Cheese: 20-30 minutes (depending on cooling time of wax) Hard-boiled Eggs: 30-45 minutes (two-step process) Total Time: 3½–4 hours (depending on dry time)

Why This Works-Creating small lettuce leaves from a ribbed white toilet tissue like Cottonelle® saturated with Rosco® CrystalGel works well because the toilet paper has a similar thickness as lettuce. The ribbed nature of Cottonelle® creates a similar texture to lettuce veining. Mixing Rosco® CrystalGel with paint or ink dye reduces the opportunity to damage the leaf-shaped toilet tissue. It can be shaped and molded to resemble lettuce leaves. Leaves can be cut by using scissors or X-acto® knife. Scissors tend to work better since the leaves don’t have to be precise, just similar in shape.