Appropriation grants to mortals their abode within their nature, so that they may be capable of being those who speak. Appropriation, though, is not law in the sense of a norm which hangs over the heads somewhere, it is not an ordinance which orders and regulates a course of events. It is formerly rendered by most translators as "appropriation" or the "event of appropriation", and sometimes just as "event", though perhaps it is more appropriately translated as "enowning". The author examines executive education as an event, and the (new) role that time plays in that educative event. His strategy for reading Ereignis, and of using the concept to explore the progressive event of executive education, emerges naturally from the notion's attendant responsibility of "owning", itself – namely, as Richard Polt says, "The responsible way to gain a sense of Ereignisis to combine close reading with independent thought".