In the middle of a conflict episode, determining what is really going on is difficult given the high emotions and goal-driven focus that are often present. Tools for analyzing the elements that lead to and permeate conflict can help conflict managers develop a deeper perspective of what is happening. The ability to unpack a complex conflict provides us with a means for purposeful action as we work to maximize the gains and minimize the deleterious effects on relationships. Analytical tools such as mapping can help the conflict manager identify the needs and fears underlying a conflict. A comprehensive conflict checklist or a conflict road map provides a means to systematically track the themes and elements of conflict, allowing us to gain insight into what a conflict is truly about. Other tools such as the awareness wheel and imagined interactions help us to step outside of the conflict, conduct rational planning, and achieve greater understanding to our own motives and goals. All conflict analysis tools help detect the point where a conflict can best be changed or transformed.