This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the concepts covered in the preceding chapter of this book. The book outlines the technological and mathematical progress of cryptography throughout history has been a generally respected scholarly pursuit since the seventeenth century, thanks to the rhetorical work of John Wilkins. Daniel Vitkus reminds scholars of the importance of "historicism of difference", or historical study that describes change and rethinks enduring assumptions while acknowledging the ethical stakes of narrating linearity. Dismissal and misunderstandings of the seventeenth century's position in the entwined histories of intelligence, commercialism, literacy, and multimodality have been propagated by treatment of the period in twentieth- and twenty-firstcentury theoretical writings. Aarsleff grants Wilkins's project for popular education great influence on the Royal Society. Wilkins had asserted, cryptography is a skill anyone can learn to protect their thoughts because it is a natural ability that can be exercised with tuned senses.